Claritysoft Blog

Why is CRM Important for Sales?

  The Crucial Role of CRM in Boosting Sales Success.   In the dynamic landscape of business, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has emerged as a game-changer, especially in the realm of sales. As organizations strive to build lasting connections with their customers, CRM has proven to be an indispensable tool for achieving sales success. Here’s

How to Prepare for Your CRM Selection Process: Identifying Who, What, Why, When, Where

Applying the 5 Ws to your CRM search is a great way to help you assess your need for a CRM system and evaluate CRM options, ensuring you get the system that satisfies you requirements.

What Sets Clarity CRM Apart

What Sets Clarity CRM Apart Today’s brands need the sharpest edge that they can get if they want to compete, and nothing does it better than Clarity CRM. We’ve seen firsthand how Cl

Lead Attribution for Real-World Small Business

From an introduction to attribution modeling all the way to specific marketing tactics, we’ll show you how you can use lead attribution for your small business.   What is Attribution Modeling? “Attribute: to regard as resulting from a specified cause” —   Measure, analyze and optimize.   The recipe for marketing success is to continuously

How CRM Benefits Can Change Your Company

There are a lot of CRM benefits, and all of them have the power to help your business achieve more success. CRM. It’s an abbreviation of customer relationship management. It is a term t

What is CRM? 3 Benefits of Using a CRM Solution

Simply defined, CRM, or customer relationship management, is the means by which interaction and communication with customers and potential customers is organized, administered, accomplished an

Steps to Writing Phenomenal Customer Emails for Email Blasts & More

One-hundred billion emails are sent every day. Yes, that’s 100 billion, with a B. With all that noise, it’s no wonder that analysts estimate only 16-24% of emails are opened. Only 3% of re

What Does CRM Stand For? A Beginner’s Guide

What is CRM? CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management and there’s a lot to these three little letters. Organizations looking for CRM want to grow and need a software tool to help. Howeve

Questions To Ask Before Buying CRM What You REALLY Need to Know

Questions to Ask Before Buying (or Switching to) a New CRM System Analysts estimate somewhere between 30 – 65% of CRM projects fail for a number of reasons. We hosted a discussion recently with

Ways to Say Thank You & Build Customer Relationships

Good customer relationship management is built on appreciation. Show your gratitude with these twists on classic ideas. As the old proverb states, “Give thanks a little and you will receive a l

Holiday Messages for Customers & Clients

According to the Greeting Card Association, 1.6 billion Christmas, Hanukah, and New Year’s cards are purchased every year. However, holiday mail has been in a steady decline since 2007 as billio

Avoid The Year-End Slump – How to Increase Sales In December

In 2014, retail holiday sales are slated to increase by 4.1%. Retailers offer deals to attract new and loyal customers, naturally increasing the end of year boost. For those of us who don’t wor

Why Companies Leave Their CRM in the Dust…and Switch

Recently, we analyzed over 300 small and medium sized businesses who had a Customer Relationship Management System and decided to switch to Claritysoft. Here’s what we learned about why compani

Easy Tips for Using Mobile CRM to Sell Better

13 Hacks for Salespeople: Use Mobile Technology to Serve Customers Better Over 90% of salespeople have cell phones and many have tablets. However, many of us are not using mobile technology to its fu

Inspirational Quotes for Sales Kick-offs

Inspirational Quotes for Sales Kick-Offs January is a hectic time as many sales teams kick-off the year. We can help you prepare for your meeting with these inspirational quotes:

Tips To Make Your CRM Project a Success

16 Practical, Tactical Tips for Successful CRM Projects Analysts estimate somewhere between 30 – 65% of Customer Relationship Management projects fail. (Some studies put failure rates as high a

Preparing for Sales Calls: Innovative Ideas to Beat the Competition

You know that prepared sales professionals are more likely to win the business because they appear educated and credible. But, did you know that if you use your research to create a common language wi

Customer and Market segmentation – A New Way To Look At Your Market

Customer Segmentation: A Fresh Approach Customer and market segmentation are associated with large enterprises and big budgets. They have risen and fallen (and risen again) as popular techniques for

Shocking Statistics About Customer Loyalty

Is Customer Retention Really That Important? (Hint: Yes.) Seven surprising customer retention statistics show us why. Higher Customer Retention = Increased Profitability Earl Sasser of Harvard Busi

How To Retain More Loyal Customers

Increasing customer retention by 5% increases profitability up to 75%, according to one study, BUT it’s getting tougher to retain customers. Another study found that customers consider many more

CRM Invoice & Quote Templates Make Lasting Impressions

Quotes and invoices are necessary, but they don’t have to be boring. Instead, make the most of these opportunities by showing off your brand and personality. Increase your sales with memorable p

Questions Every Salesperson Should Ask

Good sales professionals qualify leads early in the sales process so that they don’t waste time. Great sales professionals make sure prospects gain value from the qualification process. Use ques

How to Ask for Referrals Like A Pro

Looking for new leads? Look no further than your existing customers. Who to ask? Your best sources for referrals are new clients. They can help you break into different networks that you have not ta

Sales NOT Using CRM? Solutions To Get Your Team Going

At least one in three Customer Relationship Management projects fail, often because sales teams don’t adopt the new process and tools. Some analysts say that number is low, claiming 2 in 3 proje

How to Write an Awesome Sales Pitch for Prospects

An elevator pitch is a very short story about what you do and why the audience should care – named because it can be told in the course of an elevator ride. But, pitches get stale over time. If

Keep Customers & Leads Warm And Build A Stronger Pipeline

A customer recently shared his thoughts on what makes for great vs. terrible customer experiences. He mentioned that he hasn’t heard from his insurance agent in 18 years! After getting over the shock, we thought about the implications for all organizations. Great opportunities exist for sales and service teams who are motivated and willing to

FREE Sales Email Templates – Jump Start Your Sales

5 Email Templates to Jump Start Your Sales Team Only one in every five emails is opened, and less than 3% of recipients take action. Learn best practices for crafting compelling messages and download

Claritysoft – CRM Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

Don’t Make These CRM Blunders In a tongue & cheek article, 11 Terrible CRM Systems for Your Company, Gene Marks wrote that Customer Relationship Management systems are, “Terrible when

Why Customer Service is Everyone’s Job

4 Lessons from Disney Last year, Disney Parks & Resorts took in over $15 Billion in revenue and generated over $2.6 Billion in operating income. They don’t have the fastest or the biggest r

Benefits Of CRM For Small Businesses – But Is CRM Right For You?

CRM software was once an expensive tool reserved only for large enterprises with big budgets. However, there are now great Customer Relationship Management options appropriate for organizations of alm

Reasons You Don’t Need CRM

15 Reasons You DON’T Need CRM A handful of experts will tell you every company must have CRM, but we disagree. Not all businesses need a software package to manage customers, leads and opportun

FREE CRM Cost Calculator – Calculating the True Cost of CRM

The True Cost of CRM Hundreds of Customer Relationship Management options are available, from free Excel templates for start-ups to enterprise-style software suites. Finding the right choice for your

The Secret to Managing & Tracking Sales Leads

The Secret to Managing & Tracking Sales Leads Want to increase sales? Try these best practices for tracking leads, talking to prospective customers and managing the sales pipeline. Before we get

The Hidden Problem with Online CRM

As Software as a Service (SaaS) continues to grow in popularity, and mobile applications overtake static Internet usage, we also see a positive impact on CRM adoption rates. Gartner forecasted 2015 as

Statistics That Will Make You Rethink CRM

14 Statistics That Will Make You Rethink CRM Think you know everything about sales and CRM? Test your knowledge against these surprising statistics. The CRM software industry is growing rapi

CRM Data – Don’t Let Dirty Data Ruin a Good CRM

A good CRM system that is easy to use consolidates and secures your critical records and centralizes access for all authorized users. It discourages users from storing customer and prospect informatio

Get Your Customer Data Ready for CRM to Shape BEFORE Implementing

5 Tips for Getting Customer Data Ready for CRM According to Gartner, 40% of business initiatives fail due to bad data — and Customer Relationship Management projects are no exception. Dirty dat

The Secret to Achieving CRM Success: Setting Goals

Browse the Internet for the failure rates of customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and you’ll find figures ranging from 20 to 70%. It might discourage you from moving forward. However,

Must-Have CRM Reports

Top 20 Must-Have CRM Reports Want to get the most out of your CRM system? These must-have reports will help you make sure your organization is focusing on the right products and activities to increas

Steps to Create a CRM Implementation Plan – How To Get Going QUICKLY

Find it, buy it and install it. Unfortunately, implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) system is not that simple. A CRM system enables success in managing customer relationships

Create An Outstanding B2B Customer Journey Map

“You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back toward technology—not the other way around,” said Steve Jobs. Building a company that focused on the cu

The Awesome Power of CRM to Increase Sales

“The top salesperson in the organization probably missed more sales than 90% of the salespeople on the team, but they [sic] also made more calls than the others made.” – Zig Ziglar

CRM Requirements – Solutions That Achieve Great Results

Top 10 CRM Requirements You want to close more sales, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, cut costs and boost profitability. However, like many other managers, you may be drowning in a sea of

CRM Best Practices to Give Your Company the Edge

Gaining a Competitive Edge: 5 B2B CRM Best Practices In the words of Walmart founder Sam Walton, “Exceed your customer’s expectations. If you do, they’ll come back over and over. Gi

What Is Easy CRM ?

“Good design is actually a lot harder to notice than poor design, in part because good designs fit our needs so well that the design is invisible,” Donald A. Norman, The Design of Ev

It’s time for CRM.

23 Signs You Need CRM , It’s time for CRM. You’re busy. From the moment you look at your phone in the morning until the last email at night, you’re chasing prospects, servicing cust

CRM Software Demos

CRM Software Demos How to Evaluate Which Solution Is Right For You If you’re interested in CRM software, you’re probably planning to schedule an online demo. If you want to get t

Ways to Boost Your Sales with Mobile CRM

11 Surefire Ways to Boost Your Sales with Mobile CRM According to research by Inoppl Technologies, 65% of sales reps who adopted mobile customer relationship management (CRM) achieved their sales quo

Contact Management Software To Grow Your Business

Remember the Rolodex? Contact management software is the electronic version of it. This software enables businesses to store basic contact information, such as names, phone numbers and email addresses

B2B Sales Email – How to Write Stellar Emails Your Prospects Will Read

Your long-term objective is to close the sale. And, yes, it would be wonderful if prospects would read your sales emails and immediately want to buy. Sadly, this is an unrealistic expectation

Marketing Productivity with CRM

Drastically Increase Marketing Productivity with CRM “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” — Henry Ford. Are your mar

The Essential Guide to Creating Lead Nurturing

Inspiration for Every Step of the Customer Journey There’s no doubt about it — lead nurturing campaigns are essential to warm up leads. Also known as drip campaigns, they help your organi

Lead Attribution for Real-World Small Business

From an introduction to attribution modeling all the way to specific marketing tactics, we’ll show you how you can use lead attribution for your small business. What is Attribution Mode

Ways to Customize Your CRM System

6 Fantastic Ways to Customize Your CRM Usability and usefulness — two of the most important drivers of a customer relationship management (CRM) system’s success. If your system i

Radically Increase Sales Penetration with CRM

There’s a good reason B2B marketers tend to be obsessed with lead generation. It’s a metric that likely affects their compensation. But has this focus on lead generation led marketers to l

What We Learned About CRM in 2015

“Never make predictions, especially about the future,” said Casey StengelI. It’s December. The month when we start to see predictions for the upcoming year. Our prediction i

Best Practices for Insurance CRM

Is Your Agency Using These Best Practices for Insurance CRM? There are three ways to foster insurance agency growth—cultivate business by cross-selling and upselling, acquire new customers and

Building a Sales Team

5 Tips for Building a Sales Team and Scaling Your Business According to Harvard Business Review, sales organizations go through typical phases of growth. These include building a sales force, scaling

CRM Lead Management Software

When to Invest in Lead Management Software There are some stark statistics that B2B marketers need to consider seriously. According to, 35-50% of B2B sales go to the vendor who respon

CRM API Integration

4 Innovative Ways to Use Your CRM API CRM API integration can make all the difference for your business. And if you have multiple software applications managing marketing programs, customer relations

CRM Implementation Planning

How to Get the Most Value When You’re Pressed for Time and Budget “There’s no free lunch. You pay for things in various ways,” said Iris Apfel. Apfel’s

Gamification to Boost Customer Engagement

What is gamification? It’s applying game structures to nongame situations. People love to play games. They’re fun. They make us happy. Because we are likely to do things we enjoy, discipli

Habits of Highly Successful Sales Pros at Claritysoft

13 Things Highly Successful Sales Pros Do Everyday At Claritysoft, we’ve worked with thousands of sales and service professionals, and one mantra always holds true: more activity equals more sa

Benefits of CRM Using Mass Emails

Drastically Increase Marketing Productivity with CRM Email Have you ever driven a car that’s misaligned? You want to go one way, and it’s always pulling in the other direction, making it

Benefits of a Single CRM Cloud for Marketing

The Truth about Sales and Marketing Alignment Think of the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. Watson. Holmes treats his detective work as an unemotional, cold science. Watson cont

CRM Email Marketing

8 Great Campaign Ideas to Win & Keep Customers Email marketing is a robust tactic for attracting new customers; McKinsey found it converts to sales at a rate of 40 times greater than social media

User Adoption: The Death of Your CRM

You’ve spent weeks, maybe months researching a customer relationship management solution. You’ve agonized and scrutinized, spending hours of precious time weighing the benefits and costs o